Computes a new point which resides on this line as a segment, which is as close as possible to a given point.
Computes a new point which resides on this line as if it was infinite, which is as close as possible to a given point.
Creates a new line that has start and end points that equals a given arc.
The line direction as a Vector2d.
Computes the distance from a point to this line as a segment.
Computes the distance from a point to the line in a way assuming the line is infinite.
Computes a new point which is on this infinite line given a parameter in range 0-1. Smaller parameters
than 0.0 or larger parameters than 1.0 works as well, and returns points out of the line segment.
Eval(double, out double)
Computes a new point which is on this infinite line given a parameter in range 0-1. Smaller parameters
than 0.0 or larger parameters than 1.0 works as well, and returns points out of the line segment.
A tangent angle at the parameter is computed as well (which in this case is same as lines angle)
FindLinearLeastSquaresFit(List<Point2d>, double, double)
Computes a least squares fit line of a list of points, starting at x0 and ending at x1.
The error minimized is the y-diff to line only (not real distance to line).
FindLinearLeastSquaresFitOrigo(List<Point2d>, double, double)
Computes a least squares fit line, starting at x0 and ending at x1, and passing throught 0,0.
The error minimized is the y-diff to line only (not real distance to line).
Calculates the X value given Y. The line is considered infinite.
Calculates the Y value given X. The line is considered infinite.
Checks if the line is horizontal with epsilon tolerance.
Checks if the line is horizontal with a given tolerance.
Checks if the line is vertical with epsilon tolerance.
Checks if the line is vertical with a given tolerance.
Mirror(Point2d, Point2d)
Mirrors the line in-place over a reflection line.
Returns a new offsetted line. Positive offset offsetts to the right of the segment,
and negative to the left.
Offset(double, double)
Same as offset but you can set start offset and end offset individually
Computes the parameter in the range 0-1 where the projection of a given point resides on the line segment.
If the parameter is less than 0 or larger than 1 the point lies 'before' or 'after' the line.
Param(Point2d, out double)
Computes the parameter in the range 0-1 where the projection of a given point resides on the line segment.
If the parameter is less than 0 or larger than 1 the point lies 'before' or 'after' the line.
A tangent angle at the point is computed as well (which in this case is same as lines angle)
ProjectHorizontal(double, out double)
Computes the x position on a line for a given y. If the line is horizontal, x parameter is not changed,
and the function returns false.
ProjectVertical(double, ref double)
Computes the y position on a line for a given x. If the line is vertical, y parameter is not changed,
and the function returns false.
Reverses the line in-place.
Rotates the line in-place around world origo with a given angle in radians.
Rotate(double, Point2d)
Rotates the line in-place around a given origo and a given angle in radians.
Scales this line in-place with a given factor. Factors larger then 1 gives a longer line and smaller than 1 gives a shorter.
Scale(double, Point2d)
Scales this line in-place with a given factor and a specified origo. Factors larger then 1 gives a longer line and smaller than 1 gives a shorter.
Side(Point2d, double)
Checks the relative side of a point to this line. A tolerance decides how close the
point can be to the line to be considered to be 'on' the line.
Splits this line segment to multiple line segemnt using a list of parameters in the range 0-1.
The list of parameters does _not_ need to be sorted. Multiple parameters that are the same
will output zero length line segments.
Split(params double[])
Splits this line segment to multiple line segemnt using a list of parameters in the range 0-1.
The list of parameters does _not_ need to be sorted. Multiple parameters that are the same
will output zero length line segments.
Split(double, out Line2d, out Line2d)
Splits the line segment at a given parameter in the range 0-1. If the parameter is less than zero or larger than 1,
one of the lines will have zero length.
Creates a new region that has the same geometry as this line. A tolerance can be given but is not used in this case.
Returns a new string containig debug purpose info.
Transforms this line in-place with a matrix.
Translate(double, double)
Translates the line in place.
WriteAutoCADScript(StreamWriter, int)
Writes the object as an AutoCAD loadable script to a stream using
a specified color