Intersect2d Class

This static class contains various Intersection algorithms for 2d objects.
Public Class Intersect2d
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public static class Intersect2d
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public ref class Intersect2d 
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public class Intersect2d
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Name Description
Public method Static ArcArc(Arc2d, Arc2d, out Point2d, out Point2d)
Public method Static ArcArc(Arc2d, Arc2d) Computes the intersection points between two circular arcs.
Public method Static ArcArcFiniteInfinite(Arc2d, Arc2d) Intersects two arcs interpreting arc1 as finite (arc or line segment) with arc2 as infinite (circle or line).
Public method Static ArcArcInfiniteInfinite(Arc2d, Arc2d) Intersects two arcs interpreting them as 'infinite' (circle or line)
Public method Static ArcCircle(Arc2d, ICircular2d) Computes the points of intersection between a circular arc and a circular object.
Public method Static ArcLine(Arc2d, Line2d, out Point2d, out Point2d)
Public method Static ArcLine(Arc2d, Line2d) Computes the intersection points between a circular arc and a infinite line.
Public method Static ArcSegment(Arc2d, Line2d) Computes the intersection points between a circular arc and a finite line segment.
Public method Static ArcSegment(Arc2d, Line2d, out Point2d, out Point2d)
Public method Static CircleCircle(double, double, double, double, double, double, out Point2d, out Point2d, double)
Public method Static CircleCircle(ICircular2d, ICircular2d) Intersects two circles. This function will return 0-2 intersection points. One Intersection point means the circles exactly touches each other within epsilon tolerance.
Public method Static CircleLine(ICircular2d, Line2d) Computes the intersection points between a circular object and a infinite line.
Public method Static CircleLineParametric(ICircular2d, Line2d, out double, out double) Computes the parametric points of intersection on a line vs. a circular object. The parametric range of line segment is 0.0-1.0. Smaller or larger parameters than this range will be computed if the points of intersection is out of segment.
Public method Static CircleLineParametric(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, out double, out double) Computes the parameters on a line where it intersects a circular object using double data for input geometry.
Public method Static CircleSegment(ICircular2d, Line2d) Computes the intersection points between a circular object and a finite line segment.
Public method Static ConicConic(Conic2d, Conic2d)
Public method Static EllipseArc(Ellipse2d, Arc2d) Computes the points of intersection between an ellipses/elliptical arc and an circular arc. This is solved numerically and has a max error of epsilon radians from object centers.
Public method Static EllipseCircle(Ellipse2d, ICircular2d) Computes the points of intersection between an ellipses/elliptical arc and a circular object. This is solved numerically and has a max error of epsilon radians from object centers.
Public method Static EllipseEllipse(Ellipse2d, Ellipse2d) Computes the points of intersection between two ellipses/elliptical arcs.
Public method Static EllipseLine(Ellipse2d, Line2d) Intersects an infinite line with an ellipse that might be an elliptical arc. If the ellipse is not an arc, there are always zero or two intersection points.
Public method Static EllipseSegment(Ellipse2d, Line2d) Computes the intersection points between an ellipse and a finite line segment.
Public method Static LineLine(Line2d, Line2d)
Public method Static LineLine(Line2d, Line2d, out Point2d) Computes the point of intersection between two infinite lines.
Public method Static LineLineParametric(Line2d, Line2d, out double, out double, double) Computes the parameters of intersection between two infinite lines. Parameters are in range 0-1 if the intersection is in the segment span.
Public method Static PolyArc(Poly2d, Arc2d, List<Point2d>) Appends new points to a list, that are intersection points between a circular arc and a poly.
Public method Static PolyCircle(Poly2d, ICircular2d) Appends new points to a list, that are intersection points between a poly and a circular object.
Public method Static PolyEllipse(Poly2d, Ellipse2d) Appends point of intersection between a poly and an ellipses/elliptical arc. This is solved numerically and has an angular error of max epsilon radians from object centers where poly segments are arcs. Linear poly segments are intersected exactly against the ellipse.
Public method Static PolyLine(Poly2d, Line2d, List<Point2d>) Appends new points to a list, that are intersection points between a polyline and an infinite line.
Public method Static PolyPoly(Poly2d, Poly2d)
Public method Static PolyPolyParametric(Poly2d, Poly2d, double) Intersects a primary polyline with a secondary, and returns a list of parameters of the intersection points on the primary polyline. If cleanDist is larger than zero, parameters within the _length_ along the poly given is rmoved so that no duplicates is in the result
Public method Static PolySegment(Poly2d, Line2d, List<Point2d>) Appends new points to a list, that are intersection points between a circular arc and finite line segment.
Public method Static PolySelfIntersect(Poly2d, List<Point2d>) Appends all self intersections of a poly.
Public method Static PolySelfIntersectParametric(Poly2d, double) Finds all parameter pairs for self intersections for a poly.
Public method Static RayRay(Point2d, Vector2d, Point2d, Vector2d, out Point2d)
Public method Static RegionArc(Region2d, Arc2d, List<Point2d>) Appends new points to a list, that are intersection points between a region and a circular arc.
Public method Static RegionCircle(Region2d, Circle2d) Appends new points to a list, that are intersection points between a region and a circular object.
Public method Static RegionEllipse(Region2d, Ellipse2d) Appends point of intersection between a region and an ellipses/elliptical arc. This is solved numerically and has an angular error of max epsilon radians from object centers where region segments are arcs. Linear poly segments are intersected exactly against the ellipse.
Public method Static RegionLine(Region2d, Line2d, List<Point2d>) Appends new points to a list, that are intersection points between a region and an infinite line.
Public method Static RegionPoly(Region2d, Poly2d, List<Point2d>) Appends new points to a list, that are intersection points between a region and a poly.
Public method Static RegionRegion(Region2d, Region2d, List<Point2d>) Appends new points to a list, that are intersection points between two regions.
Public method Static RegionSegment(Region2d, Line2d, List<Point2d>) Appends new points to a list, that are intersection points between a region and a finit line segment.
Public method Static SegmentLine(Line2d, Line2d)
Public method Static SegmentLine(Line2d, Line2d, out Point2d) Computes the point of intersection between a finite line segment and an infinite line.
Public method Static SegmentSegment(Line2d, Line2d)
Public method Static SegmentSegment(Line2d, Line2d, out Point2d) Computes the point of intersection between two finite line segments.
Name Description
Public field Static DrawArc

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8

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