API Class

IGEMS .NET API System looks for function public static void DLLMain() where you can register your parts
Public Class API
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public static class API
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public ref class API 
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public class API
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Name Description
Public method Static Command(string, bool) Run a command Check the toolbar files for command names
Public method Static Copy(List<Object>) Copies a list of entites
Public method Static Copy(object) Copies an entity
Public method Static CreatePart(Region2d, string, int, string, DateTime) Create parts
Public method Static CreateSheet(string, double, double, double) Creates a sheet
Public method Static CreateToolpath(object) Generates toolpaths in the part using the Contour Cut settings
Public method Static CurrentDrawing() Returns the filename of the current drawing
Public method Static Cutorder(List<Object>) Creates a cutorder
Public method Static CutorderNCFile(object) The NC-file of the cutorder
Public method Static CutorderParts(object) Return the parts in a cutorder
Public method Static Delete(object) Delete an entity
Public method Static DrawArc(Arc2d, int) Draws an circular arc
Public method Static DrawCircle(double, double, double, int) Adds a circle to the current drawing
Public method Static DrawEllipse(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, int) Draws an ellipse or elliptical arc
Public method Static DrawLine(double, double, double, double, int) Adds a line to the current drawing
Public method Static DrawPoint(double, double, int) Draws a point
Public method Static DrawPoly(Poly2d, int) Adds a polyline to the current drawing
Public method Static DrawRectangle(double, double, double, double, int) Adds a rectangle (polyline) to the current drawing
Public method Static DrawRegion(Region2d, int) Adds a region to the current drawing
Public method Static DrawSolidRegion(Region2d, int) Adds a region as a solid hatch entity
Public method Static DrawText(string, string, double, double, double, double, int) Adds a text to the current drawing
Public method Static DrawText(string, double, double, double, int) Adds a text to the current drawing
Public method Static EntityType(object) Returns the type of entity as a string. Example "PART", "SHEET", "LINE"
Public method Static Extents(List<Object>) Calculates a bounding box for a list of entities
Public method Static Extents(object) Calculates a bounding box of the entity. If entity is null a bounding box of all entites in the drawing is calculated
Public method Static GetColor(object) Returns the color of the entity as an IGEMS indexed color. If the color is negative it is a RGB int color. 1=Red 2=Yellow 3=Green 4=Cyan 5=Blue 6=Magenta
Public method Static GetCorner(string, double, double) Lets the user pick a rectangle from x,y
Public method Static GetDataset(object) Creates a DataSet with report data for a cutorder. This is the same data used in the postprocessor report
Public method Static GetPartInfo(object) Returns a PartInfo object with part information
Public method Static GetPartsInsideSheet(object) Returns a list of all parts on the drawing that is inside the sheet
Public method Static GetPoint(string) Lets the user pick a point
Public method Static GetPoint(string, double, double) Lets the user pick a point using x,y as a bespoint
Public method Static GetSheetInfo(object) Returns a SheetInfo object with sheet information
Public method Static GetVar(object, string) Returns info about an entity Example to get the type of entity use key="TYPE" Note! the key value is case sensitive
Public method Static Image(List<Object>, int, int, int, Nullable<Color>) Creates an Image from entities
Public method Static Image(object, int, int, int, Nullable<Color>) Creates an Image from an entity
Public method Static InsertDrawing(string) Inserts a drawing into the current drawing
Public method Static LoadMachine(string) Load a machine into the current drawing
Public method Static LoadMaterial(string, string, double) Load a material into the current drawing
Public method Static LockSheet(object) Locks a sheet. Does not delete any sheets or parts.
Public method Static Mirror(object, double, double, double, double) Mirrors an entity through line from x1,y1 to x2,y2
Public method Static Move(List<Object>, double, double) Move a list of entities
Public method Static Move(object, double, double) Move an entity
Public method Static NestAddPart(object, object) Add a Part to the nesting
Public method Static NestAddSheet(object, object) Add a sheet to the nesting
Public method Static NestCreate(double) Create a Nest object used for AutoNesting
Public method Static NestRun(object, double) Perform Auto nesting
Public method Static NestSet(object, string, object) Set AutoNest settings...more info needed
Public method Static NewDrawing() Creates a new drawing
Public method Static OpenDrawing(string) Opens a drawing of any of the supported file types
Public method Static PartImage(object, int) Create an image of a part.
Public method Static PickCutorder(string) Lets the user pick a cutorder
Public method Static PickPart(string) Lets the user pick a part
Public method Static PickSheet(string) Lets the user pick a sheet
Public method Static Process(object, string, int, bool) Post process a cutorder
Public method Static Redraw() Redraws the screen to immediately display any changes
Public method Static RegisterCommand(string, string, Image, Action) Register commands that can be called from the APPS in IGEMS
Public method Static Report(string, DataSet, List<String>, bool) Runs a report
Public method Static Rotate(object, double, double, double) Roates an entity with angle_radians around rx,ry
Public method Static SaveDrawing(string, List<Object>) Saves a drawing or a list of entities
Public method Static SaveMachine() Save the current machine to file
Public method Static SaveMaterial() Save the current material to file
Public method Static Scale(object, double, double) Scale an entity using scalefactors sx and sy
Public method Static Select(string, Func<ObjectBoolean>) Select entities
Public method Static SelectAll(Func<ObjectBoolean>) Selects all entities in the current drawing
Public method Static SetColor(object, int) Sets the color of an entity 1=Red 2=Yellow 3=Green 4=Cyan 5=Blue 6=Magenta
Public method Static SetPartInfo(PartInfo) Update the part with a PartInfo object
Public method Static SetSelected(object, bool) Sets the selection status of an entity
Public method Static SetSheetInfo(SheetInfo) Update the sheet with the SheetInfo
Public method Static SetVar(object, string, object) Sets a value in an entity. Can be used to for example change the name of a part
Public method Static ToRegion(object) Converts an entity to a Region2d
Public method Static Translate(object, double, double) Translates an entity
Public method Static ZoomExtents() Zooms extents

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8

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