The area of the grid
BoxArea(int, int, int, int)
Calculates the pixel area inside the box
Calculates the center of gravity
Clears the grid
Returns the number of intervals at row y
GetInterval(int, int)
Gets the interval at row y and column pos
GridToWorld(int, int, out double, out double)
Convert grid coordinate gx,gy to world coordinate wx,wy
Insert(int, Interval)
Inserts an interval s into the grid at row y
Insert(List<Poly2d>, int, int)
Insert(SpanGrid, int, int)
Inserts the grid g into the grid at position dy,dx
Insert(int, int, int)
Inserts an interval represented by x1,x2 at row y
Invert(int, int, int, int)
IsSet(int, int)
Checks if a pixel i set in the grid
Nest(SpanGrid, Point, Rectangle, ref Point, int)
Nest a grid inside this grid using a bottom left fill algorithm.
NOTE! The part is not inserted in the grid!
NestOnRow(SpanGrid, Point, ref Point)
Overlap(SpanGrid, int, int)
Checks if two grids overlaps and sets the separation distance
Overlap(SpanGrid, int, int, out int)
Checks if two grids overlaps and sets the separation distance
Overlap(int, Interval, out int)
Checks if an interval overlaps the grid and sets the separation distance
OverlapArea(int, int, int)
OverlapFromRight(SpanGrid, int, int, out int)
OverlapFromRight(int, Interval, out int)
Removes all intervals but keeps the size
WorldToGrid(double, double, out int, out int)
Convert world coordinate wx,wy to grid coordinate gx,gy