BigInt Structure

Integer class to hold integers of any size
Public Structure BigInt 
Implements IComparable, _ 
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public struct BigInt : IComparable
This language is not supported or no code example is available.
public value struct BigInt : public IComparable^, 
public IConvertible^
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JScript suports the use of structures, but not the declaration of new ones.
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Name Description
Public constructor BigInt(int, params UInt32[]) Raw contructor for bigint. Mostly used internally bu left public for flexibillity.
Name Description
Public property Length
Public property Sign
Name Description
Public method Abs()
Public method Static Add(BigInt, BigInt)
Public method AsInt32(out int) Converts the BigInt to a int.
Public method AsInt64(out long) Converts the BigInt to a long.
Public method AsUInt32(out UInt32) Converts the BigInt to a uint.
Public method AsUInt64(out UInt64) Converts the BigInt to a ulong.
Public method Static Compare(BigInt, BigInt)
Public method CompareTo(object) Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
Public method Static Create(double) Creates a big integer from a double.
Public method Static Create(int) Creates a big integer from an int.
Public method Static Create(long) Creates a big integer from a long.
Public method Static Create(UInt32) Creates a big integer from an unsigned int.
Public method Static Create(UInt64) Creates a big integer from an unsigned long.
Public method Static DivMod(BigInt, BigInt, out BigInt)
Public method Equals(object) Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.
Public method Static GCD(BigInt, BigInt)
Public method GetHashCode() Returns the hash code for this instance.
Public method GetTypeCode() Returns the TypeCode for this instance.
Public method ModPow(int, BigInt)
Public method Pow(int)
Public method Square()
Public method ToBoolean(IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent Boolean value using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Public method ToByte(IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 8-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Public method ToChar(IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent Unicode character using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Public method ToDateTime(IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent DateTime using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Public method ToDecimal(IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent Decimal number using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Public method ToDouble(IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent double-precision floating-point number using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Public method ToFloat64()
Public method ToInt16(IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 16-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Public method ToInt32()
Public method ToInt32(IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 32-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Public method ToInt64()
Public method ToInt64(IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 64-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Public method ToSByte(IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 8-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Public method ToSingle(IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent single-precision floating-point number using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Public method ToString() Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance.
Public method ToString(IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent String using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Public method ToString(UInt32)
Public method ToType(Type, IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to an Object of the specified Type that has an equivalent value, using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Public method ToUInt16(IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 16-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Public method ToUInt32() Converts the BigInt to a uint.
Public method ToUInt32(IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 32-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Public method ToUInt64(IFormatProvider) Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 64-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information.
Name Description
Public field Static One
Public field Static Zero

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8

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