Polynomial Class

Public Class Polynomial
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public class Polynomial
This language is not supported or no code example is available.
public ref class Polynomial 
This language is not supported or no code example is available.
public class Polynomial
This language is not supported or no code example is available.
Name Description
Public constructor Polynomial() Inits zero polynomial p = 0.
Name Description
Public property Degree Degree of the polynomial.
Name Description
Public method Static Clean(Polynomial) Removes unncessary leading zeros.
Public method Clean() Removes unnecessary zero terms.
Public method Static Create(params Complex[])
Public method Static Create(params double[])
Public method Static Derivative(Polynomial) Differentiates given polynomial p.
Public method Differentiate(Complex) Computes value of the differentiated polynomial at x.
Public method Equals(object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
Public method Evaluate(Complex) Evaluates polynomial by using the horner scheme.
Public method Static Evaluate(FactorizedPolynomial, Complex) Evaluates factorized polynomial p at point x.
Public method Static Expand(FactorizedPolynomial) Expands factorized polynomial p_1(x)^(k_1)*...*p_r(x)^(k_r) to its normal form a_0 + a_1 x + ... + a_n x^n.
Public method Factorize() Factorizes polynomial to its linear factors.
Public method GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function.
Public method Static GetStandardBase(int)
Public method Static Integral(Polynomial) Integrates given polynomial p.
Public method Integrate(Complex, Complex) Computes the definite integral within the borders a and b.
Public method IsZero() Checks if given polynomial is zero.
Public method Static MaxValue(Polynomial, Complex[]) Computes the greatest value |p(z_k)|.
Public method Static Monomial(int) Computes the monomial x^degree.
Public method Static Normalize(Polynomial) Normalizes the polynomial, e.i. divides each coefficient by the coefficient of a_n the greatest term if a_n != 1.
Public method Normalize() Normalizes the polynomial, e.i. divides each coefficient by the coefficient of a_n the greatest term if a_n != 1.
Public method RealRoots()
Public method RealRoots(double, int)
Public method Roots() Computes the roots of polynomial via Weierstrass iteration.
Public method Roots(double, int) Computes the roots of polynomial p via Weierstrass iteration.
Public method Static Roots(Polynomial) Computes the roots of polynomial p via Weierstrass iteration.
Public method Static Roots(Polynomial, double, int) Computes the roots of polynomial p via Weierstrass iteration.
Public method ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object.
Public method ToString(string)
Name Description
Public structure FactorizedPolynomial Factorized polynomial p := set of polynomials p_1,...,p_k and their corresponding powers n_1,...,n_k, such that p = (p_1)^(n_1)*...*(p_k)^(n_k).
Name Description
Public field Coefficients Coefficients a_0,...,a_n of a polynomial p, such that p(x) = a_0 + a_1*x + a_2*x^2 + ... + a_n*x^n.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8

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