Returns an plane angle from this point to another.
Returns a reference to the point that is closest to this point or throws an
ArgumentException if no points are given.
Implements the i comparable interface. The point with the smallest y
is the smallest point. If y is same for the points, the one with smallest x
is the smallest one. This is suitable for sorting points for sweep algorithms for example.
Computes the distance from this to another point.
Equals(Point2d, double)
Checks if this point is about the same as another point with a given tolerance.
Mirror(Point2d, Point2d)
Mirrors the point in-place over a reflection line given by two points.
Mirrors the point over another point. This equals rotating it 180 degrees around the other point, although
this is done much faster with this function.
Polar(double, double)
Computes a new point with a specified angle and distance from this point.
Rotates this point in-place around world origo.
Rotate(double, Point2d)
Rotates this point in-place around another point.
Scales the point, using world origo as scaling center.
Scale(double, Point2d)
Scales the point, using a specified scaling center.
Scale(double, double, Point2d)
Scales the point diffrently in x and y, using a specified scaling center.
Side(Point2d, Point2d, double)
Check the relative side of a point to a infinite line passing through two given points.
Returns the suqared distance between this point and another. This is faster than computing
the actual distance since it saves a square root calculation.
Converts this point to a region representation. A point is represented as a poly with a single point.
Creates a new string sutiable for debugging purposes.
Create a vector (x,y) from the point (x,y).
Transforms the point in-place by a matrix.
Translate(double, double)
Moves the point a specified delta x and delta y.
WriteAutoCADScript(StreamWriter, int)
Writes text to a stream, that can be loaded as a script into autocad.