Apply(double, double, out double, out double, bool)
Apply(ref double, ref double)
ApplyInverse(double, double, out double, out double, bool)
ApplyInverse(ref double, ref double)
CreateMirroring(Point2d, Point2d)
Creates a matrix that reflects stuff over the line passing through two given points.
Computes a new matrix which is a pure rotation matrix.
CreateRotation(double, Point2d)
Computes a new matrix that represents rotation around a given point.
Computes a new matrix which is a pure scaling matrix where x and y scale is the same.
CreateScaling(double, Point2d)
Computes a new matrix which is a scaling matrix with a given origo.
CreateScaling(double, double)
Computes a new matrix which is a 'stretch' matrix,that is scaling in x and y might be diffrent.
CreateScaling(double, double, Point2d)
Computes a new matrix which is a 'stretch' matrix using a given origo, that is scaling in x and y might be diffrent.
CreateShearing(double, double)
Returns a new shear matrix, which has its
x axis is tilted xshearRadians from local x axis.
y axis is tilted yshearRadians from local y axis.
The shearing radians are clamped to be between -89 to 89 degrees.
CreateTranslation(double, double)
Creates a translation vector using two doubles for dx,dy.
Eigenvalues(out double, out double)
Calculates the eigenvalues of a 2x2 matrix
Extract the rotation portion of the matrix.
Extracts the scaling portion of the matrix.
Extract the translation portion of the matrix.
Checks if this matrix, when applied on an object will reflect it, for example
if the direction of an arc will switch from CW to CCW when transformet with it.
Checks if the matrix contains a uniform scaling
Modifies the matrix in-place so that it is a identiy matrix.
Creates a string suitable for debugging purposes.