Line3d Class

3d line class
Public Class Line3d 
Implements IExtents3d
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public class Line3d : IExtents3d
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public ref class Line3d  : public IExtents3d^
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public class Line3d 
implements IExtents3d
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Name Description
Public constructor Line3d() Creates a new zero length line with start and end points at world origo.
Public constructor Line3d(Line3d) Copy constructor. Copies the source points.
Public constructor Line3d(Point3d, Point3d) Creates a line given two points.
Public constructor Line3d(double, double, double, double, double, double) Creates a line given two points x,y,z coordinates.
Name Description
Public property Direction Direction vector, not normalized.
Public property DirectionNormalized Normalized direction vector. If line is zero-length this function is undefined.
Public property End Gets a reference to the end point, or sets the end point to a copy of a given point.
Public property Extents Line segment extents.
Public property Length Returns the length of the line segment.
Public property MidPoint Midpoint of line segment.
Public property Start Gets a reference to the start point, or sets the start point to a copy of a given point.
Name Description
Public method ClosestParams(Line3d, out double, out double) Calculates the closest line between two lines parametrically. If the lines are parallel then par1 is set to 0. Can also be used to check if the lines are parallel.
Public method ClosestPoint(Point3d) Calculates the closest point on line seghment.
Public method ClosestPointInfinite(Point3d) Calculates the closest point on an infinite line from pt.
Public method Distance(Point3d) Calculates the distance from pt to the line segment.
Public method DistanceInfinite(Point3d) Calculates the distance from a point to an infinite line.
Public method Eval(double) Calculates a point on the infinite line from parameter.
Public method GetZ(double, double) Calculates z given x and y. Line is considered infinite.
Public method Param(Point3d) Assuming 'point' is on this line, compute the parameter value defined to 0 at the Start point and 1 and End, similar to Arc2d etc.
Public method Reverse() Reverses direction of line inline.
Public method Split(IEnumerable<Double>) Splits a line into multiple lines at split parameters.
Public method Split(double)
Public method ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object.
Public method Transform(Matrix3d) Transforms the line with mat.
Public method WriteAutoCADScript(StreamWriter, int) Writes line to AudoCAD script.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8

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