ConvexHull2d Class

Various algorithms used to compute convex hulls
Public Class ConvexHull2d
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public static class ConvexHull2d
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public ref class ConvexHull2d 
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public class ConvexHull2d
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Name Description
Public method Static ConcaveParts(Poly2d, Poly2d) Extracts the concave parts of a convex hull. chull must be the convex hull of pl
Public method Static GrahamScan(List<Point2d>)
Public method Static GrahamScan(Poly2d)
Public method Static GrahamScan(Region2d) Assumes r is vectorized
Public method Static GrahamScanOLD(List<Point2d>) The classical graham scan algorithm. Computes the points of a convex hull.
Public method Static GrahamScanPoly(List<Point2d>, List<Point2d>)
Public method Static Melkman(Poly2d) Returns an array of integer indices of the polyline V. V has to be simple without bulget segments. Computation time is linear. Result will have ccw direction. The point with lowest index of V that is on hull will be the first point of the result.
Public method Static MelkmanPoly(Poly2d) Returns the convex hull of a simple polygon. V has to be simple without bulget segments. Computation time is linear. Result will have ccw direction.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8

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