Computes the point on the circles circumference taht is as close as possible to another point.
Computes the lines thar are common tangents from this circle to another. There might be 0,2 or 4 solutions.
If there are 2 solutions, they are external tangents. If there are 4, the two first are external and the second two are internal.
Checks if a point is inside the circle.
CreateFrom2Points(Point2d, Point2d)
Creates the smallest possible circle passing through two points
CreateFrom3Points(Point2d, Point2d, Point2d)
Creates a circle that passes through three given points. If the points are on a line
an exception will be thrown unless at least two of them are equal.
CreateFromCenterAndPoint(Point2d, Point2d)
Creates a circle with the specified center passing though a point.
Calculates the distance from a point to the circles circumference.
Flatten(double, FlattenMode)
This function computes a Poly2d, in a way that it contains as few linear segments as possible, but
never is farther away from the circle than the given tolerance.
LeastSquareFit(List<Point2d>, int, double)
Mirror(Point2d, Point2d)
Mirrors the circle in-place over a line given by two points.
Computes a new point on one of the circles quadrants.
Rotates the circle in-place around origo.
Rotate(double, Point2d)
Rotates the circle around a given point.
Scales the circle in-place using world origo as scale center.
Scale(double, Point2d)
Scales the circle in-place using a specified point for scale center.
Splits the arc in a list of parameters in the range 0.0-2*PI, with parameter 0.0 beeing the right quadrant point of circle.
If all parameters are the same, the result is undefined. Note that there must be at least
two parameters in the parameter array.
Split(params double[])
Splits the arc in a list of parameters in the range 0.0-2*PI, with parameter 0.0 beeing the right quadrant point of circle.
If all parameters are the same, the result is undefined. Note that there must be at least
two parameters in the parameter array.
Split(double, double, out Arc2d, out Arc2d)
Splits the circle in two arcs using two parameters. The parameters are in the range 0.0 - 2*PI, with parameter
0.0 beeing the right quadrant of the circle. If the two parameters is equal, two zero length arcs will be
computed since an arc cannot have an included angle of 360 degrees.
TangentPoint(Point2d, Side)
Computes a point which is the tangent point on the circles circumference seen from a specified point.
Converts this circle to an exact region representation.
Builds a string that's good for debug-purposes.
Transforms the circle in-place with a matrix. If the matrix scales the circle diffrenly in x and y
so that i will theoretically become an ellipse, the result is undefined.
Translate(double, double)
Moves the circle in-place.
WriteAutoCADScript(StreamWriter, int)
Writes text to the stream, that are loadable with the script command in AutoCAD.