BNode Class

Represents an insert or deletion node in the sweepline implementation of boolean operations.
Public Class BNode 
Implements IComparable
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public class BNode : IComparable
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public ref class BNode  : public IComparable^
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public class BNode 
implements IComparable
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Name Description
Public constructor BNode(Arc2dB, bool) Represents a node in sweepline algorithm of the boolean operation.
Name Description
Public method CompareAel(BNode) Compares edges in the active edge list.
Public method CompareTo(object) Compares two BNode objects.
Public method GetX(double) The X-coord of an arc given the Y-ccord.
Name Description
Public field addnode If this node is an addnode.
Public field ael Pointer to active edge list.
Public field arc The original arc.
Public field bot Bottom point of arc.
Public field leftedge If this arc is a leftedge or rightedge.
Public field side Describes how the arc bulges. -1=arc is to the left of the center of the arc 0=line 1=right.
Public field top Top point of arc.
Public field twin Pointer to the node at the other end of the arc. If twin==NULL this is an add node.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8

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