Bezier2d Class

Cubic Bezier curve
Public Class Bezier2d 
Inherits Geometry2d
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public class Bezier2d : Geometry2d
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public ref class Bezier2d : public Geometry2d^
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public class Bezier2d 
extends Geometry2d
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Name Description
Public property End
Public property Extents Gets the bounding box of this object.
Public property Length
Public property P0
Public property P1
Public property P2
Public property P3
Public property Start
Name Description
Public method ArcFit(double) Fits a polyline with arcs to the bezier curve given a certain tolerance
Public method ArcFitNew(double, Action<Arc2dArc2d>) Uses biarc fitting, giving arcs that are tangential through the entire spline.
Public method ClosestPoint(Point2d)
Public method Static CreateFromArc(Arc2d)
Public method Distance(Point2d) Computes the distance from a point to this object.
Public method Eval(double) Evalates the bezier curve at time t.
Public method Static FitCubic(List<Point2d>) Fits a Bezier2d through a list of points.
Public method Flatten(double)
Public method GetInflectionParams() Get bezier inflection parameters.
Public method GetSubCurve(double, double) Calculates a new bezier curve between t1 and t2
Public method Mirror(Point2d, Point2d) Reflects the object over a line specified by two points.
Public method ParamsAt(Point2d, double) Returns all parameters at a given point.
Public method Rotate(double) Rotates the object around origo.
Public method Rotate(double, Point2d) Rotates the object around a given point.
Public method Scale(double) Scales the object with a factor. A factor larger than 1.0 makes it larger, and less than 1.0 smaller.
Public method Scale(double, Point2d) Scales the object using a given scaling center. A factor larger than 1.0 makes it larger, and less than 1.0 smaller.
Public method Split(double, out Bezier2d, out Bezier2d)
Public method Tangent(double)
Public method TangentsAt(Point2d, double) Returns all tangent angles at a given point.
Public method ToRegion(double) Converts the object to a Region2d representation. Some objects that cannot be represented exactly uses a tolerance to approximate themselves to a region.
Public method Transform(Matrix2d) Transforms the object with a matrix.
Public method Translate(double, double) Moves the object a specified distance.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8

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